The Conservative Guy
Blog of the Day Awards for Friday September 5, 2008
A Blog of the Day Award goes to The Conservative Guy
A pithy compendium of political narrative from the 2008 Presidential election circus.
Here is a small sample:

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A Blog of the Day Award goes to The Conservative Guy
A pithy compendium of political narrative from the 2008 Presidential election circus.
Here is a small sample:
I'd rather have an activist VP than an activist Supreme Court Justice

On August 29th, our putative Vice Presidential contender Sarah Palin, was interviewed on CNBC where she asked,"What is it exactly that a VP does everyday". Well folks, this was red meat for the left wing netroots. They immediately pounced, questioning if McCain was just plain nuts for choosing her. Easy score for them.....Until you look at the context.
She was asking that question because she is used to being an activist executive. She is accustomed to looking for ways to save taxpayer money in processes, looking to root out corruption, finding better, cheaper, faster ways for the government to carry out it's responsibilities.
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