Halloween Blog Awards
Blog of the Day Awards were presented to a large number of sites over the past couple of days. This was necessary to clear out the enormous backlog built up over the past few months since the last Serendipity Sunday.
We should be back to our normal routine after this, at least for a while.
For those who have not seen this process previously you can take a look at the past events where we have had to clear out a huge backlog.
These include several Serendipity Sunday Events, Memorial Day, Father's Day, Pancake Day, Super Saturday, and Wild Wednesday.
To see more about those events:
Serendipity Awards ... Blog of the Day Awards for Serendipity Sunday.
Pancake Recipes Awards given out prior to Shrove Tuesday and called the Pancake Day Cleanup Awards as well as the Super Saturday Blog of the Day Awards given out on occasional Saturdays and Wild Wednesday Awards
Technorati Tags
Blog Award Blog Awards winner Bloggers Blogs Awards Blogging Bloggies Weblogs Weblog Award of the day Award web online nominations Internet Blog of the Day Awards Blog of the Day Award Blog of the Day BOTDA winners Weblog Award Weblog Awards blogspot Halloween Halloween blogs Halloween Awards
Be sure to submit your nominations early.
Thank you
Labels: Awards, Halloween, Memorial Day, Saturday, Serendipity, Serendipity Sunday, Sunday, Super, Super Saturday, Wednesday, Wild Wednesday